Art says - Utah May Soon Dump the Fed?
People in Utah have a reputation for being pretty smart with money and they"re tired of the Fed. Could the state actually dump the Fed? Who knows...but the idea is indicative of a growing public awareness. Click to read the article.
Art says - Humans are so creative in turning technology into aggression and/or an excuse to make money.
The Estonian based security software company Guardtime has been awarded a contract by the Estonian Ministry of Defence and NATO, to design a next generation system, including a blockchain,...
Art says - One service and consulting niche that is surely getting a boost from the crypto-craze is "Security". Here are some expert tips for a more secure crypto-life.
This is the first article in a series discussing general security practices that become essential when your money is digital. I have a confession. While today I work to help people and...
Art says - When big-name consultants like Deloitte get into blockchain, you know it"s because they see a growth industry.
The Irish Funds Industry Association (Irish Funds) recently announced a new regulatory reporting blockchain project, in collaboration with Deloitte, and industry participants including...
Art says - Yes it"s complimentary that the Governor of the Bank of England speaks positively about "virtual currencies". But notice that his vision still assumes central bank involvement. They just don"t understand that we don"t want any more of their help, do they?
The Governor of the Bank of England (BoE) and Chair of the Financial Stability Board and Monetary Policy Committee, Mark Carney, recently gave a speech about FinTech, financial inclusion,...
Art says - What effect will blockchain ultimately have on the way banks operate? This expert implies that it might allow banks to be regulated in a more positive way. You"ll like his humorous comments about the chaotic way banks interact with regulation now.
I recently spent a day in a meeting discussing Governance, Risk and Compliance (GRC) ... yawn. Well, it is a bit of a dull area, but highly important. In fact, what gets me is that...
Art says - I do admire this "Fed" employee"s entrepreneurial spirit but what pisses me off is the light slap-on-the-wrist he (an "insider") got in comparison to what happens to non-government employees (AKA: "outsiders") when they do things much less egregious. But it"s a funny story.
The Federal Reserve Bank is the Central Bank of the United States and issuer of the US Dollar. However, wielding the power to print just one currency may not have been enough for one former...
That"s enough news in this round-up. I hope you enjoyed the information. If you"re interested in the blockchain and crypto world, join one of our groups at Markethive.
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Steven Cavan
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